Ink shows them the Doodle Sphere and inspires XGaster to begin creating his world. While playing with his brother with golden flowers, both could hear their father with Ink talking about the OVERWRITE button for the first time. In this timeline Frisk appeared along with his brother. The situation would go out of hand, and XGaster creates the X-Event from the merged pairs. To the unfortunate situation, XTale!Chara is defeated, and Chara ends up as a part of XTale!Frisk. During timeline four, either he was forced to commit genocide, and this was enough to get Chara to rebel against XGaster. With each new timeline, XTale!Frisk would lose a relative or a friend of theirs.

He is eventually shown the Doodle Sphere, and with this presentation, XGaster begins his complete experiment on XTale.

After their meeting, he and Chara plays around with Ink while he tries to keep XGaster afloat. He rushes to get to him, Chara, and their creator. A child of XGaster, X-Event!Frisk got his brother, XTale!Chara to run away from the recently emerged Ink!Sans.